“12 Steps To Business Sanity” Products

Business to Live offers a number of Programs to improve the Businesses and Lifestyles of small business owners.

The “12 Steps To Business Sanity” Products cover my methodology for getting a clear understanding of EXACTLY what goes on in your business to enable you to make sound decisions to accelerate your business growth and profits whilst “getting your life back” and growing your profits continuously!

These include, but are not limited to (I am developing new products and tools all the time, to help you and your business):

  • The “12 Steps to Business Sanity” Report
    • This Report provides an overview of the methodology, listing clearly exactly what steps you will need to take to get control of what is going on in your business and act to change your life and your business results
  • The “12 Steps to Business Sanity” eBook
    • This ebook follows on from the report and covers the 12 steps in more detail, helping you through each step with detailed instructions on what you need to do to get clear fast results.
  • The “12 Steps to Business Sanity” full workbook system package
    • The full workbook system package gives you detailed information on each step, all of the worksheets, and extra tools to support you as you transform your understanding of your business and change your life and business results.  This package is best suited to those who want to work at their own pace, with all of the material to hand from the start.  For those who want to get it, and run with it!
  • The “12 Steps to Business Sanity” Gold Members mentoring package
    • This package includes all of the products above PLUS one on one mentoring and strategy sessions at each step to really turbo charge your implementation of the process and the decisions you come to as a result.  Lots of bonus material too (Surprises that will give you incredible value – new items being added all the time!).  Available to a limited number of candidates at any one time to ensure that I can really give you the value you deserve.  Always be the first to access new materials as we release them!

Not all Programs are available at all times – contact us to enquire further.